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Cloud Computing MCQs Part-3

 Cloud Computing MCQs

 1. Which of the following is not a type of cloud 





2. In this type of cloud ,an organization rents cloud services from cloud providers on demand basis





3. In this type of cloud, cloud is composed of multiple internal or external cloud





4. Saas stands for 

a)Software as service

b)System as service

 c)stakeholders as service 

 d)system software and service

5. Iaas stands for a)income as a service

b) Infrastructure as a service

c)   income as a software

d) image as a service

6. Which of the following is not a  service models






7. Which of the following cloud concept is related to pooling and sharing of resources

a) Polymorphism 



d)none of the above

8. Which of the following is a cloud platform for Amazon 


b) AWS

c) Casendra

d) All of the above


9. Which of the following pricing model used for cloud computing 



      c)Pay per use

      d)none of the above

 10.       Which of the following techniques is vital for creating cloud computing a)Normalization

b) modulation 


d)none of the above


11.       Following statements defines cloud computing vision

1.I can invest in infrastructure as I have just started my business

2.I have infrastructure and middleware and I can host applications 

a)only statement 1 is true
b)only statement 2 is true 

c)statements 1 and 2 are true 

d)both statements are wrong


12.       Following statements defines cloud computing vision

1. I want to focus on application logic and not maintenance and scalability issues

2.I have a surplus of infrastructure that I want to make use of '

a)only statement 1 is true

b)only statement 2 is true 

c)statements 1 and 2 are true 

d)both statements are wrong

13.       Following statements defines cloud computing vision

1.I want to access and edit my documents and photos from anywhere

2.I have infrastructure to provide application services 

a)only statement 1 is true

b)only statement 2 is true 

c)statements 1 and 2 are true 

d)both statements are wrong


14.       Google documents, facebook are example of

a)Software as a service

b)Platform as a service 

c)Infrastructure as a service 

d)All of the above


15.       Windows Azure and Hadoop are example of 

a)Platform as a service

b)Infrastructure as a service 

c)Software as a service

d)none of the above

 16.       Amazon,EC2,S3 are examples of 

a)Infrastructure as a service

b)Software as a service

c) Platform as a service

d) can not say


17.       Cloud computing has some characteristics which are as follows upfront commitments

2. On demand access 

3.nice pricing

a)   All three statement are correct

b)   Only 1 statement is correct

c)   All three statements are false

d)   Only statement 3 is true

18.                                 computing proposed a new approach to access large computational power, variety of services.

a)cluster b)distributed c)grid

d)all the above


19.                                 allows the abstraction of some of the fundamental elements for computing like hardware

a)virtualization b)cluster


d) none of the above


20.        Virtualized environment contains following components 



c)Virtualization layer 

d)All the above


21.       The                             component represents the system component that interacts with the virtualization layer


b)Virtualization layer 




22.        The                       component represents the original environment where the guest is supposed to be managed.

a)Virtualization layer




 23.  The     component is responsible for recreating the same or a different environment where the guest will operate.



c)Virtualization layer 


 24.       The virtualization layer is also called                              

a)host b)guest c)target

d)Virtual Machine manager



25.          Type I hypervisor is also called             

a)bare metal b)native

c) bare metal or native d)hosted


26.          Type II hypervisor is also called                      

a) native

b)   bare metal or native c)hosted

d)bare metal

27.       Consider the following statement

1. Virtual environment is created by software programs

2. The ability of emulate by a software creates a lot of opportunities . The above statement defines the characteristics of virtualization a)only statement 1 is true

b)only statement 2 is true c)statement 1 and 2 are true d)both statements are false


85.Consider the following statement

1. The virtual machine represents an emulated environment in which guest is executed

2. All the operations of the guest are generally performed against the virtual machine

The above statement discusses the                    characteristic of virtualization

a)Increased Security b)Managed Execution c)sharing d)aggregation


86. Virtualization of the execution environment

Allows increase security and implementation of other features like ------------


a)sharing b)emulation c)isolation d)all the above

87.                            allows the creation of separate computing environment with the same host

a)virtualization b)hardware c)inserting

d)none of the above

88. The                feature of virtualization helps to reduce the number of active servers and limit power consumption.

a)Managed Execution b)sharing c)aggregation d)Emulation


89. When a group of separate host can be tied together and represented to guests as a single virtual host is this feature is termed as ----------------

a)sharing b)aggregation c)Emulation d)isolation


90. Guests are executed within an environment that is controlled by virtualization layer is possible due to            feature.

a)sharing b)aggregation c)Emulation d)isolation


91.                               feature of virtualization allows multiple guest to run on the same host without each of them interfering with the other.

a)sharing b)aggregation c)Emulation d)isolation


92.                       capability is used to control the performance of the guest by finely tuning the properties of the resources exposed through the virtual environment

a)sharing b)aggregation c)Emulation d)performance tuning


93. In case of hardware virtualization , the guest is packaged into a virtual image that can be safely moved and executed on top of different virtual machines is define                     feature

a)aggregation b)Emulation c)performance tuning d)Portability

94. The virtualization is used to emulate                          

a)Environment execution b)storage

c) Network

d) All of the above


95.                           type of virtualization is categorise into System level and process level

a)Environment execution b)storage

c) Network

d) none of the above


96.                  level of techniques are implemented on top of an existing operating system which has full control of hardware.

a) process level

b) System level c)Library d)reference model


97.                       level of technique are implemented directly on hardware and do not require or requite minimum support from existing operating system

a) process level

b) System level c)Library d)reference model


98. Process level technique can be categorised into other levels which are as    

a)Emulation b)High-Level VM

c)Multiprogramming d)All of the above


99. System level technique can be categorised into other levels which are as       

a) Hardware assisted Virtualization

b) Full virtualization c)Paravirtualization d)All the above


100.  Partial Virtualization is a sub category of                     level a)System level

b) Process level

c) user level

d) none of the above

101.                          virtualization includes all those techniques whose aim is to emulate an execution environment that is separate from the one hosting the virtualization layer.

a)storage b)network c)Execution d)Application


102.  Virtualizing an execution environment at different levels of the computing stack requires a                         model which defines the interface.

a)reference b)contact c)different d)parallel


103.  103.

In the Machine reference model at the bottom layer the model for the hardware is expressed in terms of the                       .

a) Instruction Set Architecture b)Application Binary Interface c)Application Programming Interface d)Instruction Set Area


104.                         defines instruction set for the Processor,Registers,Memory and Interrupts management. a)Instruction Set Architecture

b) Application Binary Interface c)Application Programming Interface d)Instruction Set Area


105.  ISA is the interface between              and           

a)Hardware ,software b)processor,memory c)hardware,memory d)software,processor


106.                                    separates the operating system layer from the applications and libraries, which is managed by the OS.

a)Instruction Set Architecture b)Application Binary Interface c)Application Programming Interface d)Instruction Set Area


107.                        covers details such as low-level data types,alignment,call conventions and defines a format for executable programs.

a) Instruction Set Architecture b)Application Binary Interface c)Application Programming Interface d)Instruction Set Area




108.  The highest level of abstraction is represented by            ,Which interfaces applications to libraries and operating system. a)Instruction Set Architecture

b) Application Binary Interface c)Application Programming Interface d)Instruction Set Area


109.  The high-level abstraction is converted into                    instruction to perform the actual operations supported by the processor.

a) Machine level

b) Binary level

c) Assembly level

d) Base level


110.  Mention the machine-level resources that are used to perform the operation in the hardware level of CPU.

a) Processor,registers

b)  main memory

c)  a and b both

d) none of the above


111.  JVM stands for a)Java Virtual Machine

b) Java very Machine

c) Just Virtual Machine

d) none of the above


112.                      instruction can be used without interfering with other task because they do not access shared resources.

a) non-privileged b)privileged c)assembly d)library




113.  non-privileged instruction contains following types of instructions a)all the floating instructions

b) fixed point instruction c)arithmetic instruction

d)All of the above instruction


114.                            instructions are those that are executed under specific restrictions and are mostly used for sensitive operations.

a) non-privileged b)privileged c)assembly d)library


115.  In the ring based security ring          is in most privileged level a)1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 0


116.  In the ring based security ring          is in least privileged level a)1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 0




117.  In the ring based security ring              is used by the kernel of the OS a)2

b) 1

c) 3

d) 0


118..In the ring based security ring            and          are used by the OS level services.

a) 1 and 2

b) 0 and 1

c) 2 and 3

d) 1 and 4


119..In the ring based security ring              is used by the   user. a)3

b) 2

c) 1

d) 0


120. Recent systems support only two levels ring 0 for supervisor mode and ring 3 for   mode.

a)student b)customer c)user d)manager



121. In              mode all the instructions can be executed without any restriction.

a) user b)supervisor c)superuser d)manager


122. The supervisor mode is also called              mode or kernel mode. a)user 1

b) high c)master d)main

123. Kernel level mode is used by the operating system to perform

                   operations on hardware resources. a)sensitive

b)floating c)arithmetic d)special


124. In              mode there are restrictions to control the machine level resources.

a)user b)high c)master d)main


125. When code running in user mode invokes the privileged instructions hardware                occurs and trap the potentially harmful execution of the instruction.

a)call b)interrupts c)abort

d)none of the above


126.                       level virtualization is a technique that provides an abstract execution environment in terms of computer hardware.

a) software b)hardware c)network d)data

127. For Hardware level virtualization

1. Guest is represented by the operating system, host is represented by physical computer hardware

2. Virtual machine by its emulation, VMM by the hypervisor a)both statements are wrong

b) both statements are true c)statement 1 is correct d)statement 2

is correct


128. Consider following statements

1.A fundamental element of hardware virtualization is hypervisor

2.It creates a hardware environment , where guest operating systems are installed

a) both statements are true

b) statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false c)statement 2 is true and statement 1 is false d)both statements are false


28.          Virtualization is possible due to                 

a)system b)hypervisor

c)  user

d)none of the above


29.          There are              major types of hypervisors. a)one

b)two c)three d)four

30.                         hypervisor run directly on top of the hardware a)Type I

b) Type II

c) Type 3

d) Type 4


31.                           hypervisors require the support of an operating system to provide virtualization services.

a) Type I

b) Type II

c) Type a

d) Type b


135               hypervisors includes ESXI,

Microsoft Hyper -V,citrix xen server a)Type I

b) Type II

c) Type a

d) Type b


136. Examples of                  hypervisors are parallel desktop. a)Type I

b) Type II

c) Type a

d) Type b

137.                       property says a guest running under the control of a virtual machine manager should exhibit the same behavior as when executed directly on the physical host.

a)Equivalence b)Resource Control c)Efficiency d)performance


138.                  property says that virtual machine manager should be in complete control of virtualized resources.

a)Equivalence b)Resource Control c)Efficiency d)performance


139.                     property defines A statistically dominant fraction of the machine instruction should be executed without intervention from the virtual machine manager.


a)Equivalence b)Resource Control c)Efficiency d)performance


140.                     virtualization refers to a case where hardware provides architectural support for building a virtual machine manager able to run a guest operating system in complete isolation.

a) full

b) hardware assisted c)paravirtualization d)partial

141.                            virtualization refers to the ability of running a program, most likely an operating system ,on top of virtual machine and without any modification as it is running on raw hardware

a) full

b) hardware assisted c)paravirtualization d)partial


142. The aim of                       virtualization is to provide the capability to demand the execution of performance critical operation directly on host,preventing performance losses due to managed execution.

a) full

b) hardware assisted c)paravirtualization d)partial


143.                         virtualization provides a partial emulation of the underlying hardware, not allowing the complete execution of the guest operating system in complete isolation.

a) full

b) hardware assisted c)paravirtualization d)partial


144.                       level virtualization offers the opportunity to create different and separated execution environment for applications that are managed concurrently.

a) full

b) hardware assisted c)paravirtualization d)operating system

145.                         level virtualization is used for achieving ease of deployment of applications, managed execution and portability across different platforms and operating system.

a) full

b) hardware assisted c)partial

d)Programming -Language


146.                         virtualization allows application to run on runtime environments which do not natively support all the features required by such application.

a) full

b) Application-Level c)partial

d)Programming -Language


147. By using                   virtualization users do not have to be worried about the specific location of their data, which can be identified by using logical path.

a) partial

b) hardware assisted c)Storage

d)Programming -Language


148.                       virtualization combines hardware appliances and specific software for the creation and management of virtual network

a)Network b)hardware assisted c)Storage

d)Programming -Language

149.                         virtualization abstracts the desktop environment available on a personal computer in order to provide access to it by using a client-server approach

a)Desktop b)hardware assisted c)Storage

d)Programming -Language


150. KVM stands for                   

a) kernel via machine

b) kernel based virtual machine

c) kernel based virus machine

d) kernel based various machine 151.Identify the logo















a)openstack b)close stack c)virtualstack d)none of the above

152. Total number of components available in openstack are            in number.

a) 5

b) 4

c) 9

d) 8


153.                is the primary computing engine behind openstack a)Nova

b)Swift c)Neutron d)Cinder


154The openstack .               provides support for storing and retrieving data in cloud.

a)Swift b)Neutron c)Cinder d)Horizon


155. The Openstack                    provides persistent block storage for compute instances

a)Swift b)Neutron c)Cinder d)Horizon



156. The Open stack networking service                    provides various networking services to cloud users.

a)Neutron b)swift c)Cinder d)Horizon

157. The Openstack Dashboard                    provides a web based interface for both cloud administrators and cloud tenants/

a)Swift b)Neutron c)Cinder d)Horizon


158.   The Openstack Image service             provides disk image management services, including image discovery.

a)glance b)Neutron c)Cinder d)Horizon


159. The openstack Identity service                    is shared service that provides authentication and authorization services throughout the entire cloud infrastructure.

a)glance b)Neutron c)Keystone d)Horizon


160. In openstack                  provides metering and monitoring openstack components.

a)glance b)Ceilometer c)Cinder d)Horizon


161. In openstack                    provides template based cloud application orchestration for openstack environment

a)glance b)Neutron c)Cinder d)Heat


162  Openstack uses message queues based on the         


d)none of the above



163-165.Match the column for project and code name

Part A

Part B










Object Storage







d)not a proper match available


166-168.Match the column for project and code name

Part A

Part B


Block Storage








Image service








169-171 Match the column for project and code name

Part A

Part B



















172.                         was created to make the job of deploying openstack in test and development environment

a) Devstack b)bash c)Framework



173.There are following ways to interface with Openstack a)Openstack Dashboard

b) Openstack CLI c)Openstack API d)none of the above


174.                    means that a single instance of the software and its supporting infrastructure serves multiple customers

a) single tenancy

b) multi tenancy c)user


175.The Deployment models for cloud are           

a)public b)private c)hybrid

d)All the above


176.The                cloud is third party multitenant cloud infrastructure and services and available on subscription basis to all

a) public b)private c)hybrid d)permanent


177.             cloud model within company’s own datacenter for internal use. a)public

b) private c)hybrid d)permanent


178.Mixed type of cloud is termed as                          

a)public b)private c)hybrid d)permanent


179.                          solutions deliver infrastructure on demand in the form of virtual hardware, storage, networking

a) Software as a Service

b) Platform as a Service c)Infrastructure as Service d)none of the above

180.             solutions deliver scalable and classic runtime environments on demand .

a) Software as a Service

b) Platform as a Service c)Infrastructure as Service d)none of the above


181                        solutions provide applications and services on demand. a)Software as a Service

b)Platform as a Service c)Infrastructure as Service d)none of the above


182. Following are the examples of Web2.0 applications a)Google document, google maps

b)Facebook, Twitter c)Blogger Wikipedia

d)All of the above

183. RSS indicates                        

a) Really simple syndication

b) Rare simple system

c) Rare Simple Syndication

d) Really Simple System


184. Service Oriented computing introduces          concepts Which are also fundamental to cloud computing

a)One b)Two c)Three d)Four

185.                     identifies a set of functional and non functional attributes that can be used to evaluate the behavior of a service from different perspective

a)Quality of Service b)SLA

c) Software as a Service

d) quantity of service


186. QoS requirements are established between the client and provide via

                           which identifies the minimum value. a)Service level agreement

b) Software as a Service

c) quantity of service

d) none of the above


187. EC2 stands for                 

a) Elastic Compute Cloud

b) Elastic Cloud Compute

c) Elastic comute count

d) Electric Compute cloud


188. S3 stands for a)Simple Storage service

b) Single Storage Service

c) Simple Storage sector

d) Simple Storage System


189.                  is an implementation of mapreduce. a)Hadoop

b)Azure c) d)App engine

190.                  is a cloud computing platform for developing social enterprise application.

a)Hadoop b)Azure c) d)App engine


Study the diagram


191. Hosted Architecture is                  of HyerVisor 192.Bar metal is                of HyperVisor

a) Type I

b) Type II

c) Type a

d) Type b


Cloud Computing MCQs Part-3 Cloud Computing MCQs Part-3 Reviewed by Asst. Prof. Sunita Rai, Computer Sci.. Dept., G.N. Khalsa College, Mumbai on January 11, 2022 Rating: 5

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