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Advanced Database System MCQs

Advanced Database Techniques


1.      To increase the throughput and response time of the system especially when there are lots of smaller queries, which type of parallelism is most likely to perform better?

a)    Intra-query parallelism

b)    Inter-query parallelism

c)     Inter-operation parallelism

d)   Intra-operation parallelism


2.      Which one of the following is the characteristic of a multimedia system?

a)         high storage

b)         high data rates

c)         both high storage and high data rates

d)         Only a


3.      --------- Database management system handles full text data, image data, audio and video.

a)         full media

b)         graphics media

c)         multimedia

d)         hypertext


4.      ----------------------is the time that the event occurred, or the period during which the fact was considered to be true in the real world

a)         Valid time

b)         Transaction time

c)         Temporal

d)         Bi-temporal

5.      --------------provide concepts for databases that keep track of objects in a multi­dimensional space.


a)         Temporal Database

b)         Spatial databases

c)         Multimedia Database

d)         Active Database

6.      Why in two phase commit protocol does a participating site first write the decision in its log file before communicating it with the coordinator site?

a)    to decide the fate of the transaction if a failure happens

b)    to send the all the decisions at once to the coordinator site to reduce the cost.

c)     both (a) and (b)

d)   neither (a) nor (b)


7.      Which of the following would improve the availability of resources especially for reading in a distributed database system?

a)    Fragmentation of database

b)   Replication of database

c)     Defragmentation of database

d)   Tuning of database




8.      Which of the following would be the advantage of Database Fragmentation?

a)    Most of the operations are local to any sites

b)    Reduced Network Traffic

c)     Parallel processing

d)   All the above


9.      The real use of the Two-phase commit protocol is ______________

a)    Deadlock will not occur

b)    Concurrency control can be avoided

c)     Atomicity, i.e, all-or-nothing commits at all sites

d)   None of the above


10.  Which of the following parallel database architectures is/are mainly used by distributed database system?

a)    Shared Memory

b)    Shared Disk

c)     Shared Nothing

d)   Hierarchical


11.  A---------is a special kind of a store procedure that executes in response to certain action on the table like insertion, deletion or updation of data

a)    Procedures

b)   Triggers

c)     C. Functions

d)   Anonymous Procedures


12.  The form of data, having an associated time interval during which it is valid, is known as

a)    Temporal data

b)    Multimedia data

c)     Spatial data

d)   Object Database




13.  GIS stands for

a)    Geographic Information System

b)    Generic Information System

c)     Geological Information System

d)   Geographic Information Sharing


14.  Select odd one out based on type of database

a)    Video

b)    Audio

c)     Pictures

d)   Lake coordinates



15.  If you want to store video data which datatype you will use

a)    VIDEO

b)   BLOB

c)     CLOB

d)   MP4


16.  ---------- is a unique identity provided by OO database to each independent object stored in the database. 

a)    Object Entity

b)   Object Identity

c)     Object Structure

d)   Object Syntax


17.  ODL stands for

a)      Object Data Language

b)      Object Derived Language

c)      Object Definition Language

d)      Object Data Literal


18.  Which is non-spatial data

a)    Video

b)    House

c)     Road

d)   Lake



19.  You need to create a trigger on the EMP table that monitors every row that is changed

a)    FOR EACH ROW trigger on the EMP table.

b)    Statement level trigger on the EMP table.

c)     FOR EACH ROW Statement trigger on the EMP table.

d)   None of the above



20.  Create OR replace type command is used to create---------

a)    Table

b)    Database

c)     Trigger

d)   ADT


21.  A ------------------is typically represented as a sequence of frames, where each frame is a still image.

a)      Audio Source

b)     Video Source

c)      Text Source

d)      Image Source


22.  A ----------------------of a relation is a subset of the tuples in that relation.

a)      horizontal fragment

b)      vertical fragment

c)      Replication

d)      Views


23.  FLWR stands for

a)    For…Let...Where...Return

b)    For…Leave..When…Return

c)     Function…Let..When…Return

d)   For…Leave..When…Rotation


24.  Which prefixes are available to Oracle triggers?
a) : new only
b) : old only
c) Both :new and : old
d) Neither :new nor : old



25.  A -------------------of a relation keeps only certain attributes of the relation.

a)   Horizontal fragment

b)   Vertical fragment

c)   Replication

d)   Views


26.  ____ Transparency ensures that the system will continue to operate in the event of a node failure.

a)       Transaction

b)      Distribution

c)       Failure

d)      Performance


27.  What feature is a DDBMS advantage?

a)    reduced operating cost

b)    complexity of management and control

c)     increased storage requirements

d)   increased training cost



28.  Which of the following is a disadvantage of replication?

a)    Reduced network traffic

b)    If the database fails at one site, a copy can be located at another site.

c)     Each site must have the same storage capacity.

d)   Each transaction may proceed without coordination across the network.


29.  Which of the following is used to define code that is fired when certain actions or event occur?

a)    Replace

b)    Keyword

c)     Trigger

d)   Procedure


30.  Some of the columns of a relation are at different sites is which of the following?

a)      Data Replication

b)      Horizontal Partitioning

c)      Vertical Partitioning

d)      Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning



31.  In two-phase commit (2PC) protocol, who can cause a transaction to abort?

a)    Coordinator

b)    Participating site

c)     Both coordinator and participating site

d)   Third party site


32.  Global Wait-for graph is used for ________________ in Distributed database.

a)    Handling concurrency control

b)    Handling failures

c)     No such concept

d)   Handling deadlock


33.  Which of the following parallel database architectures is/are mainly used by distributed database system?

a)    Shared Memory

b)    Shared Disk

c)     Shared Nothing

d)   Hierarchical


34.  Which of the following would improve the availability of resources especially for reading in a distributed database system?

a)    Fragmentation of database

b)   Replication of database

c)     Defragmentation of database

d)   Tuning of database

35.  A fragmentation technique wherein every tuple of a table is assigned to one or more fragments as a result of fragmentation is called ________________ .

a)    Vertical Fragmentation

b)   Horizontal Fragmentation

c)     Hybrid Fragmentation

d)   None of the above


36.  A database server is responsible for which of the following?

a)      Database storage

b)      Data processing logic

c)      Data presentation logic

d)      No responsibility


37.  A---------is a special kind of a store procedure that executes in response to certain action on the table like insertion, deletion or updation of data

a)    Procedures

b)   Triggers

c)     Functions

d)   Anonymous Procedures


38.  The form of data, having an associated time interval during which it is valid, is known as-----------

a)    Temporal data

b)    Multimedia data

c)     Spatial data

d)   Object Database


39.  GIS stands for

a)    Geographic Information System

b)    Generic Information System

c)     Geological Information System

d)   Geographic Information Sharing


40.  If you want to store data of type XML which datatype you will use

a)    XML_TYPE


c)     XML



41.  Select odd one out based on type of database

a)    Video

b)    House coordinates

c)     Road coordinates

d)   Lake coordinates


42.  ------------ is immutable in OO databases.

a)    PID

b)    DID

c)     OID

d)   CID


43.  If you want to store audio data which datatype you will use

a)    VIDEO

b)   BLOB

c)     CLOB

d)   MP3


44.  ODL stands for

e)      Object Data Language

f)       Object Derived Language

g)      Object Definition Language

h)      Object Data Literal


45.  --------- Database management system handles full text data, image data, audio and video.

a)       full media

b)       graphics media

c)      multimedia

d)      hypertext


46.  ----------------------is the time that the event occurred, or the period during which the fact was considered to be true in the real world

a)      Valid time

b)      Transaction time

c)      Temporal

d)      Bi-temporal


47.  A distributed ____ allows a transaction to reference several different remote sites.

a)    request

b)    site

c)     data location

d)   transaction


48.  A ------------------is typically represented as a sequence of frames, where each frame is a still image.

e)      Audio Source

f)       Video Source

g)      Text Source

h)      Image Source


49.  --------------provide concepts for databases that keep track of objects in a multi­dimensional space.


a)      Temporal Database

b)     Spatial databases

c)      Multimedia Database

d)      Active Database


50.  What feature is a DDBMS advantage?

a)    reduced operating cost

b)    complexity of management and control

c)     increased storage requirements

d)   increased training cost



51.  Which prefixes are available to Oracle triggers?
a) : new only
b) : old only
c) Both :new and : old
d) Neither :new nor : old


52.  A -------------------of a relation keeps only certain attributes of the relation.

a)      Horizontal fragment

b)     Vertical fragment

c)      Replication

d)      Views

53.  --------------- include stored recorded messages, such as speeches, class presentations, or even surveillance recording of phone messages.

i)        Audio Source

j)        Video Source

k)      Text Source

l)        Image Source


54.  A __________ is a special kind of a store procedure that executes in response to certain action on the table like insertion, deletion or updation of data.
a) Procedures
b) Triggers
c) Functions

d) Stored Procedure


55.  You need to create a trigger on the EMP table that monitors every row that is changed

a)    FOR EACH ROW trigger on the EMP table.

b)    Statement level trigger on the EMP table.

c)     FOR EACH ROW Statement trigger on the EMP table.

d)   None of the above


56.  Create OR replace type command is used to create---------

a)    Table

b)    Database

c)     Trigger

d)   ADT



57.  A(n) ____ database stores each database fragment at a single site.

a)    partially replicated

b)    instance replicated

c)     fully replicated

d)   unreplicated



58.  The typical form of a  querying XQuery is known as a  -------- expression

a)      FLWR

b)      ALL

c)      NOT

d)      XOR


59.  Storing a seperate copy of the database at multiple locations is which of the following?

a)    Data Replication

b)    Horizontal Partitioning

c)     Vertical Partitioning

d)   Horizontal and Vertical Partitioning


60.  Depending on the situation each node in the Distributed Database system can act as, _________

a)      A client

b)      A server

c)      Both A & B

d)      Remote


MongoDB Interview MCQs

 1. The MongoDB is written in .................... language.




 All of the above


2. Which of the foliowing is wrong statement -

 MongoDB supports search by field, range queries, regular expression searches

 MongoDB can store the business subject in the minimal number of documents

 Secondary indices is not available in MongoDB

 All of the above


3. In which year the MongoDB was Initial release?






4. A collection and a document in MongoDB is equivalent to............. concepts respectively.

 Table and Column

 Table and Row

 Column and Row

 Database and Table


5. in how much time the MongDB writes are written to the journal?

 100 s

 60 s

 1 s

 100 ms


6. Does MongoDB supports query joins between collections ?




7. what is MongoDB?

 data growth

 document database


 Combine objects


8. The concatenation of the collection name and database name is called a -






9. What is the good alternatives to MongoDB?

 Redis & CouchDB


 Riak & Hbase

 All of the mentioned


10. Which statements is correct about mongoose in MongoDB ?

 it is Java library to connect with MongoDB

 It is used for modeling your application data in node.js

 It is Python library to connect with MongoDB

 It is a PHP library to connect with MongoDB


11. Hidden member is used to support dedicated functions, such as backup or reporting.




12. A collection in MongoDB is a group of ......................


 Related documents




13. Which is not a supported index type in MongoDB?

 TTL Index



 None of These


14. Which of the following is correct option ?

 MongoDB uses XML more in comparison with JSON

 MongoDB is column oriented data store

 MongoDB is a NoSQL database

 None of the above


15. Is MongoDB better than other SQL databases?




16. In which format MongoDB represents document structure?




 None of these


17. Howmany byte counter in BSON is starting with a random value ?




 None of the above


18. which field is always the first field in the document.?




 None of these


19. The application, that communicates with application MongoDB by way of a client library, is called _________________ .




 None of the above


20. _____________________sorting is not supported by MongoDB.




 none of the mentioned


21. When a relational expression is false, it has the value ________.




22. In mongodb, there is a similar feature of 'like' expression as like rdbms.



23. MongoDB Queries can return specific fields of documents which also include user-defined __________ functions.
a) Javascript
b) C
c) C++
d) All of the mentioned

24. Point out the wrong statement.
a) Secondary indices are not available in MongoDB
b) MongoDB supports search by field, range queries, regular expression searches
c) MongoDB can store the business subject in the minimal number of documents
d) All of the mentioned

25. MongoDB has been adopted as ________ software by a number of major websites and services.
a) frontend
b) backend
c) proprietary
d) all of the mentioned

26. MongoDB is a _________ database that provides high performance, high availability, and easy scalability.
a) graph
b) key value
c) document
d) all of the mentioned

27. Dynamic schema in MongoDB makes ____________ easier for applications.
a) inheritance
b) polymorphism
c) encapsulation
d) none of the mentioned

28. With ________ MongoDB supports a complete backup solution and full deployment monitoring.
a) MMS
b) AMS
c) CMS
d) DMS

Explanation: MMS stands for MongoDB Management Service and is available to all users in the cloud and on-premises as part of MongoDB Standard and Enterprise Subscriptions.


 1. A __________ is a special kind of a store procedure that executes in response to certain action on the table like insertion, deletion or updation of data.

a) Procedures
b) Triggers
c) Functions
d) None of the mentioned

2. Triggers are not  supported in
a) Delete
b) Update
c) Views
d) All of the mentioned

3. Triggers ________ enabled or disabled
a) Can be
b) Cannot be
c) Ought to be
d) Always

4. The CREATE TRIGGER statement is used to create the trigger. THE _____ clause specifies the table name on which the trigger is to be attached. The ______ specifies that this is an AFTER INSERT trigger.
a) for insert, on
b) On, for insert
c) For, insert
d) None of the mentioned

5. What are the after triggers?
a) Triggers generated after a particular operation
b) These triggers run after an insert, update or delete on a table
c) These triggers run after an insert, views, update or delete on a table
d) All of the mentioned

6. Which of the following is NOT an Oracle-supported trigger?

7. Which prefixes are available to Oracle triggers?
a) : new only
b) : old only
c) Both :new and : old
d) Neither :new nor : old

8. Which of the following specifies when the trigger will be executed?

D. All of the above

Advanced Database System MCQs Advanced Database System MCQs Reviewed by Asst. Prof. Sunita Rai, Computer Sci.. Dept., G.N. Khalsa College, Mumbai on December 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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