Blog about Programming Languages & Coding

Blog about Programming Languages & Coding
Contents for Computer Science, IT, B.Sc. CS & IT, M.Sc. CS & IT, MCA, BE CS & IT, ME CS & IT , Interview Questions, Books and Online Course Recommendations from Udemy, Coursera, etc



1. ________ is the science to make them secure and immune to attacks.

A.            Cryptography

B.            Cryptoanalysis

C.            both (a) or (b)

D.            neither (a) nor (b)


2              A combination of an encryption algorithm and a decryption algorithm is called a ________.

 A. cipher

B. secret

C. key

D. none of the above


3              _________ ciphers can be categorized into two broad categories: monoalphabetic and polyalphabetic.

A. Substitution

B. Transposition

C. both (a) or (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)


4              A _________ is a keyless transposition cipher with N inputs and M outputs that uses a table to define the relationship between the input stream and the output stream

a.       S-box

b.      P-box

c.       T-box

D. none of the above


5              DES has an initial and final permutation block and rounds

A.    14

B.     15

C. 16

D.  18

 6             ECB and CBC are ______ ciphers

a.       block

b.      stream

c.       field

d.      none of the above


7              The   --- method provides a one-time session key for two parties

a.       Diffie-Hellman

b.      RSA

c.       DES

d.      AES


8              Message _______means that the receiver is ensured that the message is coming from the intended sender, not an imposter.

a.       confidentiality

b.      integrity

c.       authentication

d.      none of the above


9              22.  Digital signature provides                                       

a.       authentication

b.      nonrepudiation

c.       both (a) and (b)

d.      neither (a) nor (b)

10           A(n) ________   is a trusted third party that assigns a symmetric key to two parties.


B.  CA


D. none of the above



11           Intrusion is action or process that compromises Authication, integrity, availability of system

A. force fully

B. With Permission

C. Without Permission

D . Both A and C


12           Intruder is ____.

A. Action

B. User

C System

D. Data


13           What are the different types of intruder?

A. Miscount intruder.

B. Masquerader intruder.

C.Clandestine intruder

D. Both B and C


14           Misfeasor intruder is  normally?

A. Insider

B. Outsider

C.  Both A and B

D. Middle


15           What are the different ways to classify IDS?

A. Statistical anomaly detection

B. Rule based detection

C.  Both A and B

D. Stack based.



16. What is anomaly detection in IDS?

A. Rules Based.

B. Action based

C.  Custom based

D. Stack based.


17. In which approach an expert system is used to search for suspicious behavior of user?

A. Anomaly detection.

B. Penetration identification.

C.  Profile based

D. Machine based


18           . Is Auditing Records keeping the Track of ongoing?

A. Activity in the system.

B. Function in system.

C. Variable in System.

d. Method in system


19. IDS stand for?

A. Information Detection System

B.  Intrusion Detection System

C. Institute Detection System

D. Image Detection System


20. Connection authentication is offered for ensuring that the remote host has the likely Internet Protocol (IP) ___________ & _________

a) address, name

b) address, location

c) network, name

d) network, location


21. Full form of SSL is __?

a) Secure Socket Layer

b) Series Socket Layer

c) System Security Layer

d) Spoofing Socket Layer.


22. Which Protocols Design to create session between client and server?

a)  Handshake

b)  FTP

c)  Alert

d)  UDP.


23. Which protocol is used to transmit error, bad records, system Negotiation failure alerts to the peer entity?

a) Alert Protocol

b) Handshake Protocol

c) Upper-layer Protocol

d) Change Cipher Spec Protocol


24. Which protocol is used for the purpose of reproducing the pending state into the Present state?

a) Alert Protocol

b) Handshake Protocol

c) Upper-Layer Protocol

d) Change Cipher Spec Protocol


25. Secure Electronic Transaction Protocol used for?

a)  Credit Card payment.

b)  Cheque payment.

c)  Cash Payment

d) Payment of small amount for internet Service


26. Full form of “CA” in term of SET Protocols?

a)  Chartered Accountant.

b)  Certificate Authority.

c)  Communication Authority.

d) Combination Assurances


27.  Authority who is trusted to provide public key Certificate to Merchant, Card holder and Payment gateway?

a)  Serial Authority.

b)  Certificate Authority.

c)  Communication Authority.

d) Combination Authority


28. Which of them is not a wireless attack?

a) Eavesdropping

b) MAC Spoofing

c) Wireless Hijacking

d) Phishing


29.  An attempt to harm, damage or cause threat to a system or network is broadly termed as ______

a) Cyber-crime

b) Cyber Attack

c) System hijacking

d) Digital crime

30.   _____________________ is the art & science of cracking the cipher-text without knowing the key.

a) Cracking

b) Cryptanalysis

c) Cryptography

d) Crypto-hacking


31.  _____________________ is the art & science of cracking the cipher-text without knowing the key.

a) Cracking

b) Cryptanalysis

c) Cryptography

d) Crypto-hacking


32.  The process of disguising plaintext in such a way that its substance gets hidden (into what is known as cipher-text) is called _________________

a) cryptanalysis

b) decryption

c) reverse engineering

d) encryption


33.  Which of the following is not the primary objective of cryptography?

a) Confidentiality

b) Data Integrity

c) Data Redundancy

d) Authentication


34.  ______________ is the mathematical procedure or algorithm which produces a cipher-text for any specified plaintext.

a) Encryption Algorithm

b) Decryption Algorithm

c) Hashing Algorithm

d) Tuning Algorithm


35.  In __________________ 2 different keys are implemented for encrypting as well as decrypting that particular information.

a) Symmetric Key Encryption

b) Asymmetric Key Encryption

c) Asymmetric Key Decryption

d) Hash-based Key Encryption


36.   __________at first, a key table is produced. That key table is a 5 by 5 grid of alphabets which operates as the key to encrypt the plaintext.

a) Rolling Cipher

b) Shift Cipher

c) Playfair Cipher

d) Block Cipher


37.  In _____________ a sequence of actions is carried out on this block after a block of plain-text bits is chosen for generating a block of cipher-text bits.

a) Block Cipher

b) One-time pad

c) Hash functions

d) Vigenere Cipher


38.  The ____________ model is 7-layer architecture where each layer is having

some specific functionality to perform.


b) Cloud

c) OSI

d) OIS


39. The full form of OSI is OSI model is ______________

a) Open Systems Interconnection

b) Open Software Interconnection

c) Open Systems Internet

d) Open Software Internet


 40. Which of them is not a wireless attack?

a) Eavesdropping

b) MAC Spoofing

c) Wireless Hijacking

d) Phishing


41.  An attempt to harm, damage or cause threat to a system or network is broadly

termed as ______

a) Cyber-crime

b) Cyber Attack

c) System hijacking

d) Digital crime



42.   _________ are the special type of programs used for recording and tracking

user’s keystroke.

a) Keylogger

b) Trojans

c) Virus

d) Worms


 43.  Packet sniffers involve ____________

a) Active receiver

b) Passive receiver

c) Legal receiver

d) Partially-active receive


 44.  _____________________ is the art & science of cracking the cipher-text without

knowing the key.

a) Cracking

b) Cryptanalysis

c) Cryptography

d) Crypto-hacking


45.  The process of disguising plaintext in such a way that its substance gets hidden

(into what is known as cipher-text) is called _________________

a) cryptanalysis

b) decryption

c) reverse engineering

d) encryption


 46.  The method of reverting the encrypted text which is known as cipher text to its

original form i.e. plain text is known as ________________

a) cryptanalysis

b) decryption

c) reverse engineering

d) encryption


47. Which of the following is not the primary objective of cryptography?

a) Confidentiality

b) Data Integrity

c) Data Redundancy

d) Authentication


 48.  Cryptography offers a set of required security services. Which of the following is

not among that 4 required security services?

a) Encryption

b) Message Authentication codes

c) Hash functions

d) Steganography


 49.  ______________ is the mathematical procedure or algorithm which produces a

cipher-text for any specified plaintext.

a) Encryption Algorithm

b) Decryption Algorithm

c) Hashing Algorithm

d) Tuning Algorithm


50. In __________________ 2 different keys are implemented for encrypting as well

as decrypting that particular information.

a) Symmetric Key Encryption

b) Asymmetric Key Encryption

c) Asymmetric Key Decryption

d) Hash-based Key Encryption


51.  ____________ is a mono-alphabetic encryption code wherein each & every

letter of plain-text is replaced by another letter in creating the cipher-text.

a) Polyalphabetic Cipher

b) Caesar Cipher

c) Playfair Cipher

d) Monoalphabetic Cipher   



52.  _____________ is the concept that tells us about the replacement of every

alphabet b another alphabet and the entire series gets ‘shifted’ b some fixed


a) Rolling Cipher

b) Shift Cipher

c) Playfair Cipher

d) Block Cipher


53.  ________________ is a cipher formed out of substitution where for a given key-

value the cipher alphabet for every plain text remains fixed all through the

encryption procedure.

a) Polyalphabetic Cipher

b) Caesar Cipher

c) Playfair Cipher

d) Monoalphabetic Cipher


54.  __________at first, a key table is produced. That key table is a 5 by 5 grid of

alphabets which operates as the key to encrypt the plaintext.

a) Rolling Cipher

b) Shift Cipher

c) Playfair Cipher

d) Block Cipher



55.  ______________ employs a text string as a key that is implemented to do a

series of shifts on the plain-text.

a) Vigenere Cipher

b) Shift Cipher

c) Playfair Cipher

d) Block Cipher



56. The ________________ has piece of the keyword that has the same length as

that of the plaintext.

a) Block Cipher

b) One-time pad

c) Hash functions

d) Vigenere Cipher



57. In _____________ a sequence of actions is carried out on this block after a

block of plain-text bits is chosen for generating a block of cipher-text bits.

a) Block Cipher

b) One-time pad

c) Hash functions

d) Vigenere Cipher


 58. Which of the following is not an example of a block cipher?

a) DES


c) Caesar cipher

d) Twofish


  59. Which is implemented using the Feistel Cipher which employs 16 round of

Feistel structure.

a) DES


c) Caesar cipher

d) Twofish


60. DES stands for ________________

a) Data Encryption Security

b) Data Encrypted Standard

c) Device Encryption Standard

d) Data Encryption Standard


 61.  AES stands for ________________

a) Advanced Encryption Security

b) Advanced Encryption Standard

c) Advanced Encrypted Standard

d) Active Encryption Standard



62. _____________ is hiding of data within data, where we can hide images, text,

and other messages within images, videos, music or recording files.

a) Cryptography

b) Tomography

c) Steganography

d) Chorography



63. In asymmetric key cryptography, the private key is kept by __________

a) sender

b) receiver

c) sender and receiver

d) all the connected devices to the network



64. In cryptography, the order of the letters in a message is rearranged by


a) Transpositional ciphers

b) substitution ciphers

c) both transpositional ciphers and substitution ciphers

d) quadratic ciphers



65. Using Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (RSA)cryptosystem with p=7 and q=9. Encrypt

M=24 to find ciphertext. The Ciphertext is:

a.  42

b.  93

c.  114

d.  103


66. Conventional cryptography is also known as _____________ or symmetric-key


a) secret-key

b) public key

c) protected key

d) primary key


67. ____________ cryptography operates on binary-bit series and strings.

a) Modern

b) Classic

c) Traditional

d) Primitive


68.  1The principles of  --------   ensures that only the sender and the intended recipients have access to the content of a message.

a)      Confidentiality

b)      authentication


d)access control


69.  In --- attacks, there is no modification of message contents.

a)      passive

b)      active

c)      both of the above

d)      none of the above


70.  If the recipient of a message has to be satisfied with the identity of the sender, the principle of ---- is observed

a)      Confidentiality

b)      authentication

c)      integrity

d)      access control


71.  Allowing specific users specific access is termed as  ----




d)access control


72.  The principle of  ----    ensures that the sender of a message cannot later claim that the message was never sent.

a)      access control

b)      availability

c)      authentication



73.  In --- attack, the message contents are modified

a)      passive

b)      active

c)      both of the above

d)      none of the above


74.  ------------is a computer Program  

a)      file

b)      program

c)      database   

d)      network


75.  A  ----- replicates itself by creating its own copies, in order to bring the network to a halt.

a)      virus





76.  The language that we commonly used can be termed as ------------

a)      plain text (Clear Text)

b)      pair text

c)      simple text

d)      rough test


77.  Data Encryption Standard is an example of a ----------- cryptosystem.

a)      conventional

b)      public key

c)      hash key

d)      asymmetric-key



78.  Conventional cryptography is also known as --------- or symmetric-key encryption.

a)      secret-key

b)      public key

c)      protected key

d)      primary key


79.  There are ----------- types of cryptographic techniques used in general.

a)      2

b)      3

c)      4

d)      5


80.  Cryptography can be divided into ------- types.

a)      5

b)      4

c)      3

d)      2


81.  The codified language can be termed as  ----------

a)      Caesar text

b)      cipher text

c)      complex text

d)      clear text


82.  In substitution cipher, the following happens

a)      characters are replaced by other characters

b)      rows are replaced by characters

c)      columns are replaced by rows

d)      none of the above


83.  Caesar cipher is an example of substitution cipher

a)      substitution cipher

b)      transposition cipher

c)      a and b both

d)none of the above


84.  Cryptanalysis is a person who                          

a)      devices cryptography solutions

b)      attempts to break cryptography solutions

c)      none of this

d)      both a and b


85.  Homophonic cipher is---------  type of cipher

a)      substitution cipher

b)      transposition cipher

c)      a and b both

d)none of the above


86.  Conversion of plain text into cipher text is called as encryption

a)      encryption

b)      decryption

c)      digital signature

d)data signature


87.  Conversion of cipher text into plain text is called as decryption

a)      encryption

b)      decryption

c)      digital signature

d)data signature



88.  The matrix theory is used in the ------- technique.

a)      Hill cipher

b)      Monoalphabetic cipher

c)      Playfair cipher

d)code cipher


89.  In Diffie Hellman Key exchange algorithm , the initial two numbers are called as  ----------    and                               

a)      p,q

b)      a,b

c)      r,s

d)      n, g

90.  In ------------ , one bit of plain text is encrypted at a time

a)block cipher

b) bit cipher

c) stream cipher

d) straight cipher


91.  Which one of the following algorithm is not used in asymmetric-key cryptography?

A.      RSA algorithm

B.      Diffie Hellman algorithm

C.      electronic code block algorithm

D.     none of the mentioned


92.  In cryptography, the order of the letters in a message is rearranged by ______.

A.      transpositional ciphers

B.      substitution ciphers

C.      both (a) and (b)

D.     none of the mentioned


93.  The process of professionally or ethically hacking a message is called as _______

a)      Cryptography

b)      Encryption

c)      Cryptanalysis

d)      Digital Signature

94.  In --------  , one block of plaint text is encrypted at a time.

a)      block cipher

b)      bit cipher

c)      stream cipher

d)      straight cipher


95.  ------------------doesn’t works on block mode.






96.  DES encrypts blocks of-------------------bits.






97.  In AES, the 16-byte key is expanded into                              

a)      176 bytes

b)      200 bytes

c)      78 bytes

d)      184 bytes


98.  In IDEA, the key size is                         

a)      128 bytes

b)      256 bytes


d)256 bits

99.  In asymmetric key cryptography ,------------  keys are required per communicating party

a)      2

b)      3

c)      5

d)      4

100.                      ----------------   is a technique that facilitates hiding of a message which is to be kept secret inside other message.

a)      substitution

b)      transposition

c)      steganography

d)      none of the above


101.  An attack on ciphertext message, where the attacker attempts to use all possible permutations and combinations is called as                                                    

a)      cipher attack

b)      brute force attack

c)      smurf attack

d)      packet sniffing


102.In Cipher Block Chaining the initialization vector is used to maintain----------- for cipher text.






103.       The private key                            

a)      must be distributed

b)      must remain secret with individual

c)      must be shared with everyone

d)      must be duplicated


104. If A and B want to communicate securely with each other, B must not know     

a)      A’s private key

b)      A’s public key

c)      B’ private key

d)      B’s public key


105. If the sender encrypts the a message with her private key, it achieves the purpose of  



c) integrity

d)none of the above


106.  A --------------  is used to verify the integrity of the message.

a)Message Digest

b)Digital envelop




107.  When two different messages digest have the same value, it is called a collision

a)      attack

b)      hash

c)      collision

d)      cipher

108.   --------  is a message digest algorithm





109.  To verify the digital signature, we need the-----------------                        

    a) sender’s private key

    b)sender’s public key

c)receiver’s private key
d)receiver’s public key

110.   A ----------------can issue digital certificates.

a)      CA

b)      bank




111. The CA with the highest authority is called as------------ CA






112.  Firewall should be situated---------------

a)inside a corporate network

b)outside a corporate network


d)none of the above

113. Which of the following are objectives of Malware?

      A.      Provide remote control for an attacker to use an infected machine.
      B. Investigate the infected user’s local network.
      C. Steal sensitive data.
      D. All of the above

114. Malware is short form of ?

A.      malicious hardware

B. malicious software

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

115.                      Which of the following is a programs that copy themselves throughout a computer or network?

A.      Worms
B. Trojans
C. Viruses
D. Rootkits

116.                      Which is true about Worms ?

A.      Self-replicating viruses that exploit security vulnerabilities to automatically spread themselves across computers and networks.
B. Worms on existing programs and can only be activated when a user opens the program.
C. Worms vary and hide themselves in the operating system.
D. All of the above


117.                       Which of the following malware do not replicate or reproduce through infection?

A.      Worms
B. Trojans
C. Viruses
D. Rootkits


118.                      RATs stands for?

A.      Rootkits Administration Tools
B. Remote Access Tools
C. Remote Administration Tools
D. Remote Attack Tools

119.                       Which malware has Short for "robot network"?

A.      ronets
B. botnets
C. botwork
D. rowork


120.                      Which malware enable administrative control, allowing an attacker to do almost anything on an infected computer?

A.      Rootkits
C. Botnets
D. Worms

121.                      Which malware are often the armies behind today's distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks?

A.      Botnets
B. botnetsSpyware
C. Trojans
D. Viruses

122.                      What is true regarding Trojans?

A.      Trojans will conduct whatever action they have been programmed to carry out
B. "Trojan" alludes to the mythological story of Greek soldiers hidden inside a wooden horse that was given to the enemy city of Troy.
C. Trojans do not replicate or reproduce through infection.
D. All of the above


123.                      Which malicious program cannot do anything until actions are taken to activate the file attached by the malware.

A.      Trojan Horse

B.      Worm

C.      Virus

D.     Bots


124.                      The attack that focuses on capturing small packets from the network transmitted by other computers and reading the data content in search of any type of information is ____

A.      Phishing

B.      Eavesdropping

C.      Scams

D.     Exploits


125.                      What is an antivirus?

A.      A bigger and more dangerous virus

B.      Software used to duplicate viruses

C.      Computer software used to prevent, detect and remove malicious software

D.     A biological agent that reproduces itself inside the cells of living things


126.                      What is Spyware?

A.      Spyware is a type of malware installed on computers that collects information about users without their knowledge

B.      The presence of spyware is typically hidden from the user and can be difficult to detect

C.      Spyware programs lurk on your computer to steal important information, like your passwords and logins and other personal identification information and then send it off to someone else

D.     All of the above


127.                      What are the uses of Malware?

A.      Many early infectious programs, including the first Internet Worm, were written as experiments or pranks

B.      Today, malware is used primarily to steal sensitive personal, financial, or business information for the benefit of others

C.      Malware is sometimes used broadly against government or corporate websites to gather guarded information, or to disrupt their operation in general

D.     All of these


128.          There are _________ types of computer virus.

a)      5

b)      7

c)      10

d)      12


129.          Which of the following is not a type of virus?

a)      Boot sector

b)      Polymorphic

c)      Multipartite

d)      Trojans


130.          A computer ________ is a malicious code which self-replicates by copying itself to other programs.

a)      program

b)      virus

c)      application

d)      worm


131.          Which of them is not an ideal way of spreading the virus?

a)      Infected website

b)      Emails

c)      Official Antivirus CDs

d)      USBs


132.          In which year Apple II virus came into existence?

a)      1979

b)      1980

c)      1981

d)      1982


133.          In mid-1981, the 1st virus for Apple computers with the name _________ came into existence.

a)      Apple I

b)      Apple II

c)      Apple III

d)      Apple Virus


134.          The virus hides itself from getting detected by ______ different ways.

a)      2

b)      3

c)      4

d)      5


135.          _______________ infects the master boot record and it is challenging and a complex task to remove this virus.

a)      Boot Sector Virus

b)      Polymorphic

c)      Multipartite

d)      Trojans


136.          ________________ gets installed & stays hidden in your computer’s memory. It stays involved to the specific type of files which it infects.

a)      Boot Sector Virus

b)      Direct Action Virus

c)      Polymorphic Virus

d)      Multipartite Virus

137.          View Answer


138.          Direct Action Virus is also known as ___________

a)      Non-resident virus

b)      Boot Sector Virus

c)      Polymorphic Virus

d)      Multipartite Virus



139.          ______________ infects the executables as well as the boot sectors.

a)      Non-resident virus

b)      Boot Sector Virus

c)      Polymorphic Virus

d)      Multipartite Virus


140.          ______________ are difficult to identify as they keep on changing their type and signature.

a)      Non-resident virus

b)      Boot Sector Virus

c)      Polymorphic Virus

d)      Multipartite Virus


141.          ____________ deletes all the files that it infects.

a)      Non-resident virus

b)      Overwrite Virus

c)      Polymorphic Virus

d)      Multipartite Virus


142.          _____________ is also known as cavity virus.

a)      Non-resident virus

b)      Overwrite Virus

c)      Polymorphic Virus

d)      Space-filler Virus


143.          Which of the below-mentioned reasons do not satisfy the reason why people create a computer virus?

a)      Research purpose

b)      Pranks

c)      Identity theft

d)      Protection

144. A digital signature is a mathematical technique which validates?

A. authenticity

B. integrity

C. Non-repudiation

D. All of the above


145.  _____________ is a process which verifies the identity of a user who wants to access the system.

A. Authentication

B. Non-repudiation

C. Integrity

D. None of the above


146.  _____________ ensures that the message is real, accurate and safeguards from unauthorized user modification during the transmission.

A. Authentication

B. Non-repudiation

C. Integrity

D. None of the above


147. How many algorithms digital signature consists of?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5


148. A _________ produces a signature for the document.

A. Key generation algorithm

B. Signature verifying algorithm

C. Signing algorithm

D. Authentication


149. Which algorithm algorithm provides the private key and its corresponding public key?

A. Key generation algorithm

B. Signature verifying algorithm

C. Signing algorithm

D. None of the above


150. Which of the following is not a type of digital signature?

A. Approval Signatures

B. Non-Certified Signatures

C. Visible Digital Signature

D. Invisible Digital Signature


150. Which signature allows a user to sign a single document digitally?

A. Approval Signatures

B. Certified Signatures

C. Visible Digital Signature

D. Invisible Digital Signature


151. Which signature contains the name of the document signer and the certificate issuer?

A. Approval Signatures

B. Certified Signatures

C. Visible Digital Signature

D. Invisible Digital Signature


152. Which signatures include details such as an image of our physical signature, location, date, and official seal?

A. Approval Signatures

B. Certified Signatures

C. Visible Digital Signature

D. Invisible Digital Signature

153. Message authentication is a service beyond

a. Message Confidentiality

b. Message Integrity

c. Message Splashing

d. Message Sending


154. In Message Confidentiality, the transmitted message must make sense to only intended

a. Receiver

b. Sender

c. Modulor

d. Translator


155. A hash function guarantees the integrity of a message. It guarantees that the message has not be

a. Replaced

b. Over view

c. Changed

                d. Violated 

 156. AES uses a ____________ bit block size and a key size of __________ bits.

a) 128; 128 or 256

b) 64; 128 or 192

c) 256; 128, 192, or 256

d) 128; 128, 192, or 256


157. Like DES, AES also uses Feistel Structure.

a) True

b) False


 158. Which one of the following is not a cryptographic algorithm- JUPITER, Blowfish, RC6, Rijndael and Serpent?


b) Blowfish

c) Serpent

d) Rijndael


 159. Which algorithm among- MARS, Blowfish, RC6, Rijndael and Serpent -was chosen as the AES algorithm?


b) Blowfish

c) RC6

d) Rijndael


160. How many rounds does the AES-192 perform?

a) 10

b) 12

c) 14

d) 16


161. How many rounds does the AES-256 perform?

a) 10

b) 12

c) 14

d) 16


 162. What is the expanded key size of AES-192?

a) 44 words

b) 60 words

c) 52 words

d) 36 words


 163. The 4×4 byte matrices in the AES algorithm are called

a) States

b) Words

c) Transitions

d) Permutations


164. In AES the 4×4 bytes matrix key is transformed into a keys of size __________

a) 32 words

b) 64 words

c) 54 words

d) 44 words


165. For the AES-128 algorithm there are __________ similar rounds and _________ round is different.

a) 2 pair of 5 similar rounds ; every alternate

b) 9 ; the last

c) 8 ; the first and last

d) 10 ; no


166. Which of the 4 operations are false for each round in the AES algorithm

i) Substitute Bytes

ii) Shift Columns

iii) Mix Rows

iv) XOR Round Key


a) i) only

b) ii) iii) and iv)

c) ii) and iii)

d) only iv)


167. There is an addition of round key before the start of the AES round algorithms.

a) True

b) False


168. The full form of Malware is ________

a) Malfunctioned Software

b) Multipurpose Software

c) Malicious Software

d) Malfunctioning of Security


169. Which of the following is not a type of symmetric-key cryptography technique?

A.      Caesar cipher

B.      Data Encryption Standard (DES)

C.      Diffie Hellman cipher

D.     Playfair cipher


170. Which of the following is not a principle of data security?

A.      Data Confidentiality

B.      Data Integrity

C.      Authentication

D.     None of the above


171. Which of the following security attacks is not an active attack?


Which of the following attacks is a passive attack?


A.      Masquerade

B.      Modification of message

C.      Denial of service

D.     Traffic analysis


172. Which of the following options correctly defines the Brute force attack?

A.      Brutally forcing the user to share the useful information like pins and passwords.

B.      Trying every possible key to decrypt the message.

C.      One entity pretends to be some other entity

D.     The message or information is modified before sending it to the receiver.


173. Rail Fence Technique is an example of

A.      Substitution cipher

B.      Transposition cipher

C.      Product cipher

D.     Caesar cipher

174. Sub-key length at each round of DES is

A.      32 bits

B.      56 bits

C.      64 bits

D.     48 bits

175. Public Key Cryptography is advantaged over Symmetric Key Cryptography because of

A.      Speed

B.      Space

C.      Key exchange

D.     Key length

176. Total number of messages used in SSL handshake protocol is

A.      12

B.      10

C.      8

D.     14

177. Message digest length in SHA-1 is

A.      128 bits

B.      160 bits

C.      64 bits

D.     54 bits

178. Interception is an attack on

A.      Availability

B.      Confidentiality

C.      Integrity

D.     Authenticity

179. DES encrypts blocks of

A.      32 bits

B.      56 bits

C.      64 bits

D.     128 bits

180. Which one of the following is active attack?

A.      Masquerade

B.      Traffic analysis

C.      Eavesdropping

D.     Shoulder surfing

181. Which one of the following is passive attack?

A.      Masquerade

B.      Traffic analysis

C.      Replay attack

D.     Denial of service

182. Number of keys used in asymmetric key cryptography is

A.      04

B.      02

C.      08

D.     16


183.  …………..Prevents unauthorized communication into and out of the network, allowing the organization to enforce a security policy on traffic between its network and the internet.

(a) Network firewall

(b) Antivirus

(c) both of these

(d) none of these


184. SET means ………………

(a) Standard Electronic Technology

(b) Standard Electronic Transfer

(c) Secure Electronic Transaction

(d) None of these



185. The verification of credit card is done by using…………….. with a communications link to the merchants acquiring bank


(a) Credit card payment terminal

(b) Point of Sale

(c) All of these

(d) none of these


186. Creating illegitimate sites that appear to be published by established organizations by unscrupulous artists is termed as…………………

(a) Spoofing

(b) Snooping

(c) Sniffing

(d) None of these


187. Gain entry into the user’s system and scan your file system for personal information is known as……………….

(a) Spoofing

(b) Snooping

(c) Sniffing

(d) None of these


188.  ………………attacks are difficult and are only successful if the attacker knows something about the shopper

(a) Spoofing

(b) Snooping

(c) Sniffing

(d) Guessing passwords


189.  …………………is the process of making information unintelligible to the unauthorized user.

(a) Spoofing

(b) Snooping

(c) Sniffing

(d) Cryptography


190 ………………….is the reverse process of encryption, to make the information readable once again

(a) Spoofing

(b) Decryption

(c) Sniffing

(d) Cryptography


191. A………………….provides a way to associate the message with the sender and is the equivalent of an ordinary signature.

(a) cyber signature

(b) Digital signature

(c) SSL

(d) none of these

192  ……………….acts like a gate keeper that examines each users identification before allowing them to enter to the organization’s internal networks.

(a) Network firewall

(b) Antivirus

(c) both of these

(d) none of these

193. SHA-1 produces a hash value of

a) 256 bits

b) 160 bits

c) 180 bits

d) 128 bits



194. What is the number of round computation steps in the SHA-256 algorithm?

a) 80

b) 76

c) 64

d) 70



195. In SHA-512, the message is divided into blocks of size ___ bits for the hash computation.

a) 1024

b) 512

c) 256

d) 1248

INFORMATION & NETWORK SECURITY MCQS INFORMATION & NETWORK SECURITY MCQS Reviewed by Asst. Prof. Sunita Rai, Computer Sci.. Dept., G.N. Khalsa College, Mumbai on December 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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